art, poetry and music

“Art, poetry and music are matters  of survival. They are guardians and makers of the unbroken chain of what’s oldest and first in the human spirit.” Larens van der Post

parents and educators should keep this in mind when the difficult decisions come up concerning elementary and middle school curriculum; cutting art and music is truely cutting the chain of what is essential- our abilitiy to express what is important.

the creative spark that is ignited by the arts in a childs early years is what will give him or her the creative edge to be successful in our fast paced, ever changing future. As a society we must finally recognize that the arts are equally, if not more, important than the three Rs of past generations.

we should be thinking in terms of the 4 Rs of modern education: reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmatics and finally,  ‘rts

enchanting recollections of travel

Notre Dame, Paris

Camello Sitte, an urban planner in the late 1880s was disturbed by the radical changes modern planning was having on the urban fabric of Europe.

He believed that, through the understanding of how cities developed over time, planners could continue to build beautiful spaces that also reflected the lifestyles of a new Industrial Age.

After our recent return from Europe,  I found his reflections expressed a certain truth that still applies today:

“Enchanting recollections of travel form part of our most pleasant reveries. Magnificent town views, monuments and public squares, beautiful vistas all parade before our musing eye, and we savor again the delights of the sublime and graceful things in whose presence we were once so happy.

To linger! If we could but linger again in those places whose beauties never waned; surely we would then be able to endure many difficult hours with a lighter heart, and carry on, the strengthened, in the eternal struggle of this existence…Anyone who has enjoyed the charms of an ancient city would hardly disagree with this idea of a strong influence of physical setting on human soul.”


Our daily activities and emotions are destined, to a large part, by the setting in which the day begins - by the character of the house we live in, both in our personal engagement with it and in it’s physical details.

For example, when the sun streams into the bedroom from a tall French door leading to a garden terrace, we awaken to a warm and promising day. The shower, with one wall fully glazed and open to a small private garden, lush with tropical flowers and vines, cleanses and invigorates us with a kaleidoscope of color and light. And even if the bedroom is tiny, with only a comfortable bed and a small bureau, and the bathroom- consumed by the shower- leaves barely a corner for a sink and toilet- our morning ritual experience is grand!
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merging house and gardens

A glass house may be one way to fully experience the landscape, however there are many other ways to make connections between the inside of your house and the outside. And, there are a number of benefits to making these connections.

First is the opportunity to add extra living space to your house. Outdoor rooms, such as porches, decks, walled gardens, hedge enclosed terraces, screened porches and pergolas expand the indoor living space, even if only visually when it’s too hot or cold to inhabit them.

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